Actionable, objective data integrated into your hiring process that increases the likelihood of retaining new hires
Reduced time and cost from rehiring due to turnover and new hires not working out
Hiring team alignment around the behaviors needed to be successful in a role
Reduce time and churn due to poor candidate fit, or misaligned expectations that stem from unclear job ads, by using the Job Ad Optimizer in PI Hire. We help you and the hiring team craft job descriptions that line up to your Job Target – and attract the candidates you are looking for by using language that resonates with them. After creating the Job Target, copy and paste your job ad, and we will provide science-backed language descriptions that will match with your ideal candidate.
Each candidate has different behaviors, too. Send the six-minute, scientifically validated Behavioral Assessment to as many candidates as you want, and we’ll identify the Reference Profile and specific behavioral pattern that best match your open role. Use our Cognitive Assessment as another valuable data point. It measures general cognitive ability, so you understand how quickly a candidate can learn and adapt in a role.
We’ll show you how your candidate’s behavioral characteristics align with your Job Target. The traits needed to succeed may be vastly different for a star graphic designer versus an ace sales manager. We’ll arm you with the tools you need to ensure you have the right candidate. You’ll see their match score and how they fit the target you created, as well as their strengths and their misaligned traits. You can then use the targeted Interview Builder questions to dig into those traits even further.
The Interview Builder combines robust behavioral data with innovative technology to game-changing effect. It can equip hiring teams with countless new combinations of targeted questions, allowing them to narrow their candidate criteria and get at the core attributes they want to see in a hire.
The Interview Builder combines robust behavioral data with innovative technology to game-changing effect. It can equip hiring teams with countless new combinations of targeted questions, allowing them to narrow their candidate criteria and get at the core attributes they want to see in a hire.
Our vast repository of insights and best-in-class consulting network empower you with a wealth of knowledge, guiding you towards making informed hiring decisions.
The risk of the unknown is almost completely eliminated. PI Hire gives clear insight, allowing for purposeful, strategic decisions in about 6 minutes to assess.